By Office5Star

Does your shredder end up piled high with sensitive documents waiting to be shredded?
Shredding needn’t be a chore or expensive but it is necessary as over 40 percent of UK data security has been attributed to physical copies of data.
For just 78GBP we can arrange collection of 15 sacks of waste paper – that’s just 5.20 + vat a sack.
Each sack will hold around 15kg of paper which is equivalent to approximately 2500 sheets/ 1 box of A4 copier paper.
That’s great value when you consider
- •How long that would take to shred yourself (and you don’t even have to remove the staples!)
- •You will eliminate the cost of disposal as we will take it away
- •We will issue you with a certificate of destruction helping you to comply with GDPR
- •Shredding is fully compliant with BS EN 15713:2009
- •and once shredded it will be sent for recycling so you will be helping the environment too.
Please contact one of our friendly team to arrange this service or enquire about on-site shredding and larger quantities.
Tel 01594 810081
Categories: Local Forest of Dean, Office Stationery Supplies, Office Supplies Gloucester
By Office5Star
Keeping your records and storage media is a must for businesses. We have an incredible hugely discounted sale on safes, security cupboards, filing cabinets and key storage this month.
Local delivery to the Forest of Dean, Chepstow, Gloucester and Monmouthshire is free on lightweight safes and cabinets. Elsewhere in the UK we will deliver these goods at cost.
For more information, advice or a quote please contact one of our friendly team on Tel 01594 8100081.

Categories: Office Supplies Gloucester, Safes and Security Storage
By Office5Star
Why not pimp up your office this Halloween with some great stationery?
Staplers, Hole Punches, Textliners, Files, Folders and much more.
Lets get spoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooky!
Contact us on Tel 01594 810081 *** www.officestar-group.co.uk/?offers

Categories: Local Forest of Dean, Office Stationery Supplies
Tags: dean, files, forest, gloucester, good, hole punchers, local, of, office, pens, prices, staplers, stationary, textliners
By Office5Star
Back Care Awareness Week – Wednesday
Office Workers-Stand Up For Your Health !
A Public Health England report recommends we should : -
- Try to stand/walk for 4 hours a day
- Seated or Standing work should be broken up
- Sit-Stand Desks were recommended
- Posture and movement needs to be checked regularly
- Employers should promote this healthy practise
#BackcareAwarnessWeek #DeanWye #FeelingMyAge
Any top tips for ways to action this would be welcome!

Categories: Ergonomics in the Office, Office Furniture
Tags: backcareawarenessweek, bad back, bad back at work, comfy desk, desk for bad backs, forest of dean, office stationery company, posture, rise fall desks, sit stand desks